Eureka Moment for Embodied Soul

Eureka Moment for Embodied Human Soul is the ultimate goal as ordained by Sri Krishna. Eureka Moment is moment of great liberation for human soul to merge with Purushothama who is seated at the top of the roots of Asvattha tree – a strange, holy and world tree having its branches down below to the earth and roots to the sky. Purushothama seated at the top of roots of Asvattha tree is the witness to the activities of all beings struggling from perennial cycle of births and deaths with a few exceptions of human souls reaching the lotus feet of Almighty Sri Krishna. Asvattha is Pipal tree that is called ‘Arasa Maram’ in Tamil which means King Tree. Word asvattha means – highly temporary – not even lasting for tomorrow. Hence it is believed that asvattha tree will be destroyed ultimately at the end of a yuga. Asvattha tree is strong, long living, holy, auspicious tree. Kings used to tie their horses to that tree and it ...