Hinduismphobia Vs Islamophobia by Pavithran

Hindus can call only India as their home land and they had never desired to expand their land by waging wars against any country therefor, as Muslims, British, French , Portuguese had done by infiltrations and forceful occupations of our Indian territories by their expansion policies. Along with these treacherous maneuvers to rule pockets of land in India, these invaders had started forceful conversions of local Hindu populations with lures and punishments and these people were the originators of Hinduismphobia – many had fall victims to their tortures and also embraced their religions – Islam or Christianity. If a few staunch Hindu Patriots raised objections for such forceful conversions then, these Hindus Brethren were labeled as ‘ Islamophia ’ or ‘ Christianmophia ’! Unfortunately, such wrong labeling is still in vogue even after India attained full Independence from such foreign rulers. Under the wrong strategy of Secularism, the Hindus are sti...