Episode Behind the final design of our National Flag

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Essay is written by Pavithran, E-Touch Reporter. The contents of the essay were checked and re-checked and great care had been taken to present only authentic information, incidents and interviews. Most of its contents were from Gandhi’s Collection of Works. Some opinions and views of Gandhiji give heartache. Being an ordinary citizen and not like Gandhiji who was Mahatma in the true sense of the word, I felt a little bit uneasy and sad in writing this essay. Still my love and admiration of Gandhiji are not shaken or shattered. 

His theory of Ahimsa, His Appeasement Approaches to win over Muslim Brethren, His Support to Khilafat Movement (which Gandhi later regretted for having supported) are complex and complicated and just pass judgement on them by me is not correct and is not my job either. Hence, I am just sharing Gandhiji’s views only. 

S. Sankaran. 



On July 22, 1947, our present National Flag was unanimously approved by the Constituent Assembly comprising of eminent personalities such as Rajendra Prasad and including Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Sarojini Naidu, C. Rajagopalachari, K. M. Munshi and B. R. Ambedkar. 

The Swaraj Flag or Gandhi Flag that was used by the Freedom Fighters was a flag of the Indian National Congress designed by Pingali Venkayya of Andhra Pradesh. 

The present National Flag was similar to the Swaraj Flag except for the replacement of Charka (Spinning Wheel) with Ashoka Chakra – Dharma Chakra.

By graciously accepting Chakra in the place of Charka, I feel that Gandhi was not in any way compromising his principles of Swedeshi, Satyagraha and Non-Violence. 

Actually to my little knowledge, Ashoka Dharma Chakra fits into his principles of freedom struggle more than that of Swedheshi Charka. 

Charka had played a prominent role in our freedom struggle to inculcate a sense of Swedeshi Spirit and our long term ambitions of Self Reliance and it had kindled the spirit in the Gandhiji’s call for boycott of foreign mill cloths. Burning of Foreign Cloths as a Swedeshi Movement were a great success in the freedom struggle. 

In rejecting Chakra in our National Flag, Gandhiji’s reasonings were not convincing.

Gandhi said on 6th August 1947 in Lahore while talking to Congress Workers (refer Exibit No.1 at the end) that: 

“You know the National Flag of India was first thought of by me and I cannot conceive of India’s National Flag without the emblem of the Charkha. We have, however, been told by Pandit Nehru and others that the sign of wheel or the Chakra in the new National Flag symbolizes the charkha also. Some describe the wheel-mark as Sudarshan Chakra, but I know what Sudarshan Chakra means. “ 

And it is really sad when Gandhiji wrote in Harijanbandhu, 

“Nothing would have lost if our councilors had never thought of interfering with the design of the original flag. If Chakra was chosen on artistic reasons, I will refuse to salute the flag that is modified on the above lines however artistic it may appear” (chapter 222 in volume 96 of the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi).” 

Some may even suggest and complain that Gandhi had displayed his ego and undemocratic traits due to the above remarks.


Now let us move on to Gandhi’s opinion on having Union Flag in our National Flag. 

This flag was designed by Lord Mountbatten and it was not known why he should resort to the designing of our national flag which for any self-respecting nation, it would be tantamount to an insult questioning our talents. 

Perhaps as India got only “Dominion Status with transfer of power” instead of “Independent Status”, Lord Mountbatten had cleverly played his role as the India’s head. 

As per signed papers, 15th August 1947 was “Transfer of Power” instead of “Independence” and India was in the Dominion status till January 26, 1950. 

It was only on January 26, 1950, that the country was able to break free from the monarchy and transform into a sovereign democratic republic after its constitution came into effect. 

Hence on August 15, 1947, there were no ceremony of lowering of Union Jack on the request of Lord Mountbatten in order not to offend British sentiments. 

Gandhi’s views on the flag designed by Lord Mounbatten for India: 

I have been asked some questions. 

Here is one: “One understands that the national flag that has been proposed will have a little Union Jack in a corner. If that is so, we shall tear up such a flag and, if need be, sacrifice our lives.”

Answer by Gandhi: But what is wrong with having the Union Jack in a corner of our flag. If harm has been done to us by the British, it has not been done by their flag and we must also take not of the virtues of the British.

They have voluntarily withdrawing from India, leaving power in our hands. 

2. We are having Lord Mountbatten as our chief gate-keeper. Now he is to be our servant. If while we employed him as our servant we also had the Union Jack in a corner of our flag, there would be no betrayal of India in this. 

Some may even suggest and complain that Gandhi had displayed his ego and undemocratic traits due to the above remarks. 

3. Gandhiji’s Opinion: This is my opinion. But I understand that the report is not true. It pains me that the Congress leaders could not show this generosity. We would have thereby shown our friendship for the British. 

4. If I had the power that I once had, I would have. taken the people to task for it. After all, why should we give up our humanity. 

(vide page 86 of the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi) 

Strictly going by signed documents, India being declared as Dominion, Gandhiji’s acceptance of a Little Union Jack in our National Flag might be lawfully permissible, but, that would belittle our Freedom Movement. It was not known why India could accept the status of Dominion, while small countries like Sri Lanka and Burma could get Independent Status straightaway. 

To conclude, Gandhi’s Magnanimity in including UK flag in our flag – however small it may be, will dilute our freedom struggle and will be sending wrong signals to Indian Public to signify that India had not yet attained Independence. 

Further, after India gained Republic Status, our Flag had to change once again removing “that small Union Flag” in the corner! 

Indian General Public might have been put to lot of confusions and it would become an unnecessary episode to explain the reasons behind Little Size Union Flag at the corner of our national flag which was being removed on India becoming a full-fledged Republic. 

National Spirit a displayed by Nehru, Patel and other leaders was more meaningful and logically just as compared with Gandhiji’s giving unnecessary importance to our Foreign Ruthless Rulers – viz. Britishers. 



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