Deep State is a menace to the elected Government. Deep State is being identified as Shadow State or Shadow Enemy or Global Criminal Organization.


Deep State, as per dictionary, means: A large group of people from government agencies and military secretly manipulates and control government policy duly funded by foreign governments and foreign financial giants with an ulterior motive to make the elected Government as their puppet. In short, a deep state include rogue elements among organs of State – that means Anti-National Elements.


Deep State Sponsors will establish contacts with such local anti-national opposition parties with the promise of making them  the head of the state once their ‘Deep State Strategy’ succeeds in overthrowing the elected government.


This was exactly what US Deep State had achieved recently in unseating Mrs. Sheikh Hasina, Ex-Prime Minister of Bangladesh – Fifth Time Elected Awami League Party Leader – within 2 months of her taking over and crowning Muhammad Yunus parachuted from US to Dhaka overnight to head Bangladesh’s interim government.


And fleeing Mrs. Sheikh Hasina was given asylum by the Indian Government.


UP Congress Leader Shri Salman Khurshid and Agitating Farmer’s Leader Shri Rakesh Tikait had predicted that a Bangladesh – like situation will happen in India ruled by Modi.


Mr. Rakesh Tikait had said: ‘Same fate as Hasina’s will befall the Central Government. We took tractors towards the Red Fort during the farmers’ movement and if we had headed towards Parliament, the entire issue would have been resolved that very day. We were 2.5 million people at the time. We made a mistake then, but we will correct that mistake soon. We are fully prepared to deal with them.’

Yes, Deep State Mind set of Tikait is completely exposed, but, he was not ashamed of his deeds and statements.


Incidentally, we like to draw the readers’ attention to US Embassy in India who invited the India’s Farmer Leaders for tea, while the farmers’ protests against the new Agricultural laws were on. When the alert Modi Sarkar questioned, US Embassy explained that the tea meet was only to improve the business of US Agricuture based company named Cargil !


American deep state is working to destabilize India. And the list below will prove our statement:


👉America met Rahul Gandhi

👉America met Owaisi

👉America met farmers who participated in farmers protests

👉America met Abdullahs

👉America is trying to unify all the anti-India forces - result is, they formed alliance in Kashmir and want to bring back Article 370.

In short, Deep state is trying their best to recreate Bangladesh situation in India.



To achieve their treacherous goal,  US Deep State is working 24/7 by infiltrating and influencing Indian Judiciary, Indian Lawyers, Indian Journalists and Indian NGOs, Foreign Based Technical Companies and Medias and last but the least Indian Opposition Parties – particularly Congress Party under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi.


US Deep State strategy is to instigate public to stir up protests and to paralyze the Government developmental activities.


These protests were duly funded by Deep State Strategists.


And George Soros top the list of such donors to topple Modi Government.


Here are some details:


v George Soros, a billionaire connected to the US deep state, had announced a $100 billion fund to overthrow nationalist governments worldwide, and made extensive efforts to prevent Prime Minister Narendra Modi from coming to power during the Lok Sabha elections, though he failed.

v Modi Sarkar made a statement before the Supreme Court that Environics Trust, an NGO, received 90% of its funds from foreign sources and that the money thus received was used to stage protests against coal, steel, and thermal power projects.


The Trust financed protests against development projects in Odisha under the guise of distributing relief packages to households. The Trust allegedly transferred ₹ 1,250 to 711 people named in the FIR related to the protests.


Rahul Gandhi condemned the attack on Donald Trump in the US but incited people in India. When a shoe was thrown at PM Modi’s convoy in Varanasi, he justified it by saying, “Now no one in the country is afraid of Narendra Modi.”


Rahul Gandhi has become the most reliable leader to execute Deep State campaign in India in the near future and Rahul Gandhi is too willing to co-operate with such anti-foreign elements hoping that he will be crowned as PM unseating Modi.


As a faithful and reliable leader for US Deep State strategists, Rahul Gandhi was following their plans in letter and spirit.

As an example, for the past few years, whenever the Parliament session commences, a foreign report gets released.

q BBC documentary was released just before the Parliament session.

q The Hindenberg report came in January just before the Parliament session.

q The Report on SEBI and accusing SEBI Chairperson Madhabi


How can this happen unless the opposition has such connections with the abroad to create instability and anarchy during every Parliament session of India?


Shamelessly, the opposition parties – in particular Rahul Gandhi are too willing to assist such Deep State Foreign Fellows to have access to all documents even confidential due to their power hungry mission of toppling the duly elected government of Modi and then to usurp PM chair.

In respect of Hindenberg report, SC had already seized of the matter and had dismissed as baseless in January 2024. Anyhow SC had formed 6 member expert committee headed by AM Sapre, Former Supreme Court Judge to go into details of Adani-Hindenburg case.


About SEBI Allegation Report, the following remarks are worth knowing: HB report comes after one and half month SEBI issuing notice to HB for violating Indian Market Regulations and profiting from taking short positions. (Sebi's investigation on stock manipulation claims and the post-Hindenburg market crash is yet to be completed.)


Many Nationalists are airing: 

1)      India must file a huge defamation case against HB. Mere action by SEBI won't suffice. The market wealth of common investor is impacted and lost in sudden volatility due to such garbage reports.

2)      Despite SC showing trust in SEBI investigations, HB has dared to cross path again. And the matter is not just about profiteering, it's a sinister plot to disrupt Stability in India, scare away FDI, give handle to Opposition to disrupt Parliament sessions.

3)      It's no more a attack on a Business Group. Its attack on India.

DEEP STATE should be DEATH STATE to all those who toe the line of foreign based plotters with the support from local politicians to stop India becoming a Developed Country by 2047.


O, Bharat Voters! Be Aware, Awake and Achieve our goal of Developed India.



 Readers may be familiar with Political Digital Toolkits floated locally or globally or both – by spreading fake, exaggerated and sensational news to pollute the minds of voters to vote as wished by those toolkit sponsors who are mostly anti-nationals here and abroad.


Now Deep State is more direct and dangerous tool employed to topple elected governments with their funds through the black sheep  government officials.

As Modi is still powerful and popular amongst voters, frustrated opposition local politicians are too willing to help those Political Toolkits and more direct power kit of Deep State. Deep State is to make an elected State as Devil State.   



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