Purity of Mind Leads to Peace of Mind

The following thoughts are based on the Bhagavad Gita.
Wise, yogi and sanyasi achieve purity of Mind. Purity of Mind leads to peace of Mind. How does one achieve Purity of Mind?
Mind is also a sense organ like eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin. But mind is not a tangible object like other organs. Activity of mind is thinking. Suppliers for mind’s activities are other sense organs through sight, sound, smell, speech and touch. Thoughts of mind may be bad, good or pure. Capacity to hold thoughts by mind depends upon its memory. Memory is controlled by Time. Time erases Memory due to power of Forgetfulness.
Intellect getting support from Consciousness is the gatekeeper of mind. Intellect filters thoughts and helps to prevent bad ones to enter mind. But all cannot afford to have the gatekeeper and hence mind is filled with all bad thoughts in many human beings.
Vehicles of Bad thoughts are Desires driven by Lust, Anger and Greed. Such Bad thoughts gatecrash into Mind defeating Gatekeeper Intellect and mind is filled with bad thoughts. Mind is unable to withstand the pressure and bursts. Sense organs become ferocious and uncontrollable. Man becomes murderer, robber or commits suicide. Hence control of mind means control of bad thoughts, which in turn means controls over lust, anger and greed.
Water is bad, good or pure depending upon its quality. To remove badness (impurities) from water, water is to be boiled. Water becomes good on boiling. To make water pure, it should be boiled further till water becomes steam. Fire is required to make water good and pure. Similarly, when Mind is heated, bad thoughts will be destroyed leaving behind good thoughts and further heating process will make mind pure. Fire to heat the mind comes from Meditation, Prayer, Pilgrimage and Recitation/Listening of Scriptures. Intensity of Meditation and other means is the measure of mind’s purity. Constant practice and vigil are necessary to have the purity of mind at all times.
Let there be Purity of Mind, which leads to Peace of Mind.
Wise, yogi and sanyasi achieve purity of Mind. Purity of Mind leads to peace of Mind. How does one achieve Purity of Mind?
Mind is also a sense organ like eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin. But mind is not a tangible object like other organs. Activity of mind is thinking. Suppliers for mind’s activities are other sense organs through sight, sound, smell, speech and touch. Thoughts of mind may be bad, good or pure. Capacity to hold thoughts by mind depends upon its memory. Memory is controlled by Time. Time erases Memory due to power of Forgetfulness.
Intellect getting support from Consciousness is the gatekeeper of mind. Intellect filters thoughts and helps to prevent bad ones to enter mind. But all cannot afford to have the gatekeeper and hence mind is filled with all bad thoughts in many human beings.
Vehicles of Bad thoughts are Desires driven by Lust, Anger and Greed. Such Bad thoughts gatecrash into Mind defeating Gatekeeper Intellect and mind is filled with bad thoughts. Mind is unable to withstand the pressure and bursts. Sense organs become ferocious and uncontrollable. Man becomes murderer, robber or commits suicide. Hence control of mind means control of bad thoughts, which in turn means controls over lust, anger and greed.
Water is bad, good or pure depending upon its quality. To remove badness (impurities) from water, water is to be boiled. Water becomes good on boiling. To make water pure, it should be boiled further till water becomes steam. Fire is required to make water good and pure. Similarly, when Mind is heated, bad thoughts will be destroyed leaving behind good thoughts and further heating process will make mind pure. Fire to heat the mind comes from Meditation, Prayer, Pilgrimage and Recitation/Listening of Scriptures. Intensity of Meditation and other means is the measure of mind’s purity. Constant practice and vigil are necessary to have the purity of mind at all times.
Let there be Purity of Mind, which leads to Peace of Mind.