Isa Upanishads by Naithrupan

Isa means Lord or God. Hence its name itself is indicative of its importance i.e. It is named as God’s Upanishads. Like the Kena Upanishad, the Isa Upanishad takes its name from its first word, Isa.

Isa Upanishad is said to be the essence of all Upanishad teachings so far as practical life is concerned. It is comparatively a very short Upanishad, though it is an integral gospel.

Its invocation song itself is very famous and has an universal and unique appeal. The meaning of the song is as follows: Om. That is full; this is full. This fullness has been projected from that fullness. When this fullness merges in that fullness, all that remains is fullness. Om, Peace, Peace, Peace!

Apart from the above invocation song, there are 18 verses only. But, all these 18 verses are full of eternal truths to lead a meaningful life here in this world and then to attain salvation thereafter.

Mahatma Gandhi extolled the spiritual message contained in the first verse of this Upanishad. Apart from other ideas he found in it, he was particularly impressed by its “message of universal brotherhood- not only brotherhood of human beings but also of all living things.“

We will be dealing with the meaning of all these 18 verses of Isa Upanishad in a series of articles. In this article, we will confine to the first verse which had moved Mahatma Gandhi immensely.

First let me share the text meaning of the first verse: “Om. All this, whatever moves on the earth, should be covered by the Lord. Protect your Self through that detachment. Do not covet anybody's wealth.”

The verse starts with the sacred word OM. There are three main aspects that have been dealt with in this first verse.

Everything in this universe moves and nothing remains permanent. All are under the domains of the God. That means that the same God dwells in all things in motion on this earth. If one is able to see the same God manifesting in others, then he will not differentiate himself from others and the duality vanishes with the true realization of God in all. As there are no two, all will become free from threefold desires of son, wealth and worlds. This is the basis of brotherhood of which Mahatma had meant. It is also the basis of advaita theory of ‘Thou art That’!

One has to perform his duties. But, he should protect himself from the evils of doings. Protection is not for body or mind, but, the protection is for one’s Self i.e. God residing in one’s body till his death. Doing one’s duties with detachment gives that protection.

Third aspect is that one should not act to get wealth by coveting other’s wealth. Protection for detached action will not be available, if one begets wealth by dubious means. Hence, the Upanishad declares – “Do not covet anybody’s wealth.”

Earth is moving, but, we are not feeling its movement. We do move, run, swim and even fly in fulfilling our various duties, but, still Earth which is the base of our stay, moves without anyway making us to realize its movements! That is the power of God.
Its existence in the bosom of Earth is like the fragrance of sandal in the sandalwood.

‘Realize God in all. Practice Detachment. Do not covet other’s wealth’ are the meaning of the first verse.


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