Ways and Means to Realize Immortal Supreme Soul

Some anecdotes, discourses and selective meaningful episodes from various Upanishads are being shared with the readers through the columns of this magazine. This essay is based on Brahadaranyaka Upanishad and deals with the characteristics of Immortality of the Supreme Soul. To make the subject matter simple and understandable, some liberties had been taken in the presentation without anyway deviating the core theme.
- The Editor.

The hermitage of Sage Yajnavalkya was amidst the thick forest. He was living with his two wives – Maitreyi and Katyayani.

One day, Yajnavalkya was in deep thoughts. He addressed Maitreyi thus: ‘My dear, I am going to renounce this life. Before my renunciation, I have to divide the wealth possessed by me between you and Katyayani.’

Maitreyi: Well, why do you want to renounce your life?

Yajnavalkya: To attain the Immortality.

Maitreyi: Then, whether the wealth that you propose to give me, will fetch me immortality?

Yajnavalkya: No and Never. Your life will only be comfortable like that of the rich people and the riches will bring happiness, comforts, and joys. But there is no hope of immortality through wealth.

Maitreyi: If the wealth is not going to fetch me immortality, then I do not want that. I want to know only that which is going to make me immortal. Please, therefore, tell of what you know about immortality for which you had taken a decision to renounce your life.

Yajnavalkya: Well, I am really proud of you on hearing your words, as you say what is after my heart. Come, take your seat. I will explain to you the immortality of which I had decided to seek after. While I am explaining to you the various aspects of Immortality, please meditate on its meaning.

Yajnavalkya had explained the various characteristics of Soul, which is also called Self, Atma and Being. According to Yajnavalkya, the real or eternal love between husband and wife is due to the love between the two souls of husband and wife. When the soul is manifested in a body, the soul is encircled with the effects of names, forms and actions due to the various organs and sense objects of the body. The Supreme Love of Souls are possible only, if the physical barriers and hurdles due to Ignorance developed by the forces of sense objects on the souls are overcome by Pure Intelligence. In fact, the real love of the soul lies in the distastes for wife by husband and husband by wife. That means one should go beyond the physical relationships.

Yajnavalkya had continued his explanations: Similarly, it is not for the sake of the sons, that the sons are loved, but for one’s own self’s sake.

Actually, by this statement, the sage is only emphasizing the fact that only the self knows the self, which is bound by rites, but unbound by knowledge. Self is released from the darkness of ignorance of rites by the illumination of knowledge. Thus, one should go beyond the mortal love towards husbands, wives and sons and it is possible only by the renunciation of earthly affections and realization of self by learning from teachers and scriptures, by reflections through reasoning and then by stead fasts in meditation.
Even the wealth and worlds are dear to the self not for the sake of the wealth and worlds, but for the sake of the self. That means the self should not get immersed in illusion by the wealth and worldly pleasures, fames and names. Further, one should go beyond the castes of Brahmanas and Ksatriya in the realization of souls.

Maitreyi: How does one realize the Self?

Yajnavalkya: The self should be realized through hearings from teachers, from reflections on reasoning and from stead fasts on meditations. Self is known by practicing all these methods. One should realize that there is nothing real other than self. The Self is everything and everything is self. One should reject all that is not self i.e. real and pure.

To make his wife Maitreyi to understand the basic characteristics of Individual Self and Supreme Self, Yajnavalkya brings the similes of beating of drum, blowing of conch and playing of veena.

Sounds emanating from drum, conch and veena are of different notes. Some may be loud, some other may be mild, and something else may be pleasant and melodious. Though the names and forms of the various instruments and the notes from them are different, the basic underlining factor of various musical notes is ‘sound’. Individual instrument’s musical notes – whether it is drum or conch or veena, loses its individual entities, when it dissolves into one common factor called ‘sound.’

Similarly, let us take the case of fire. Yonder, one sees smoke, sparks, embers and flames which are the various names and forms of fire. These various forms are the logical evidences to prove the existence of substance called ‘fire’ which is the real origin for those various forms viz. smoke, sparks etc.

Likewise, Infinite Reality, Great Being, Supreme Self had breathed and from that breath of that Great Vital Force, the scriptures like Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama –Veda. Atharvana Veda and Upanishads, history, legends, arts, verses, aphorisms, glosses and commentaries had emerged. But, one should not forget that these godly literatures are only to lead you to Almighty God, as the smoke etc. will lead to its origin i.e. fire, where the Individual soul will have its eternal warmth of the Almighty.
What is the goal of all sorts of water? The answer is ocean. Similarly, the skin is the goal of all kinds of touch, the nostrils are the goal of all odors, the tongue is the goal of all tastes, the eyes are the goal of all colors, the ears are the goal of all sounds, the mind is the goal of all intentions, the heart is the goal of all arts, the hands are the goal of all actions, the feet are the goal of all movements and the Vedas are the goal of all speeches. Hence, the objects of the motor organs such as different kinds of enjoyment, smelling, tasting, seeing, hearing, thinking, appreciating, taking, walking and reading are merged into one general function of realization of Immortality, as the various water in river, lake, ponds etc. flows into the sea only to lose its individual names, forms and also functions.

Hence all waters are now called Sea. In the same way, all organs loses its functions, powers, names and forms only in the acts of renunciation to realize the Real Infinity i.e. Immortal Supreme Soul.

Take a lump of salt. Dissolve it into water. Can you seize the lump of salt from water? Not possible. But, though you cannot see the lump of salt in the water, you can know the presence of salt by tasting the water. Salt is like individual soul and water is like Immortal Supreme Soul. Actually, salt is basically water. When water is evaporated due to the heat of sunlight, water becomes a film of salt. Hence real origin of salt is water and hence, when it reaches its origin –viz. water, it gets excited and then dissolved into the water losing its name, form and its characteristic of saltiness.

Yajnavalkya had summed up his thesis of immortality of the soul thus: Like a lump of salt dissolved in the water, the individual soul comes out of its influence of various forces of sense objects by losing its individuality and its individual consciousness thereby making it fit to merge with the Immortal Supreme Being. After that state, there is no more consciousness for the Individual Soul.

Maitreyi: On hearing this final statement of yours, I was thrown into confusion. I could not visualize a situation to an individual soul losing its consciousness. How is it possible for the individual soul then to know that it has attained salvation through Immortality?

Yajnavalkya: My dear! I am not saying anything confusing. The individual existence of the self is superimposed by ignorance due to its connection with the body and organs which are limiting adjuncts. The particular consciousness connected with the body etc. consisting of a false notion is destroyed by the true understanding of the soul. The moon’s image is reflected in the water so long as the water is there. And if the support viz. water is removed, the moon’s image is also gone. Similarly, on the soul being merged with the Immortal, the consciousness of the individual soul is gone forever.

Maitreyi: My confusion is slowly vanishing. Yet, I am not quite clear of your real contents of what you have in your mind.

Yajnavalkya: Your confusion is due to the duality theory of which you are afflicted. If there is more than one, then it is possible for them to smell, see, hear, speak, think and know something. But just imagine a state wherein there is no duality in existence. Then, there is no necessity to smell, see, hear, speak, think and know, as there exists no one except One. Now, think that there is only One Unique Immortal Supreme Being in the Universe. In that state, everything has become the Immortal Supreme Being. Here, Knowable and Knower have become one.

Hence, Yajnavalkya had ended up his unique dialogue with Maitreyi with these wonderful questions: By what should one know that by which all this known? By what, my dear, should one know the knower?

It is really strange ‘why did Yajnavalkya end up his dialogue with his consort Maitreyi with questions?’ It is all the more strange, when Maitreyi herself had complained to her husband that he had confused her by his explanations earlier.

‘Conscious convictions will come only through meditation, while the mind will clear of its ignorance by the illumined knowledgeable thoughts’ may be Yajnavalkya’s underlying teachings.

The answer to the questions posed by Yajnavalkya is perhaps this: Pure Intelligence or Pure Knowledge is Immortal Supreme Being which is to be known as Infinite Reality.


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