New Year Noble Thoughts - 2010

2010 - New Year Noble Thoughts By S. Sankaran “Let noble thoughts come to us from every side” – Rig Veda chants thus for us. How can one make the noble thoughts to come to us? ‘To us’ means to our mind. Thoughts are either noble or evil. Thoughts reside in the bosom of Mind. Mind resides in the brain. Brain activates five sense organs triggered by sight, smell, speech and taste, hearing and touch. Legs and hands act as directed by the brain under the spell of sense objects. Thoughts may be passing like passing clouds, floating like waves of the sea, or fixed like a rock affecting Mind in various degrees and intensities. Imagine Mind as a vast vessel in the brain. Actually Mind is shapeless, formless and non-perceptible. Imagine thoughts as vast sea water in Mind vessel. Memories are floats over the sea called thoughts. Forgetfulness is rocks in the sea. Loss of memories due to forgetfulness is to erase thoughts from Mind. If Mind is filled with noble thoughts, the nature of Mind become...