New Year Noble Thoughts - 2010

2010 - New Year Noble Thoughts

By S. Sankaran

“Let noble thoughts come to us from every side” – Rig Veda chants thus for us.

How can one make the noble thoughts to come to us?

‘To us’ means to our mind.

Thoughts are either noble or evil. Thoughts reside in the bosom of Mind. Mind resides in the brain. Brain activates five sense organs triggered by sight, smell, speech and taste, hearing and touch. Legs and hands act as directed by the brain under the spell of sense objects.

Thoughts may be passing like passing clouds, floating like waves of the sea, or fixed like a rock affecting Mind in various degrees and intensities. Imagine Mind as a vast vessel in the brain. Actually Mind is shapeless, formless and non-perceptible. Imagine thoughts as vast sea water in Mind vessel. Memories are floats over the sea called thoughts. Forgetfulness is rocks in the sea. Loss of memories due to forgetfulness is to erase thoughts from Mind. If Mind is filled with noble thoughts, the nature of Mind becomes Calm, Even and Solemn. In short Mind in that state is Pure. If otherwise, Mind is filled with evil thoughts, the nature of Mind becomes Agitated, Confused, and Turbulent. In the process, if noble thoughts are embedded in Mind and Evil thoughts are driven away, then the net result is good for Mind and also Body.

To have peace of Mind, Mind vessel need to be filled with noble thoughts and evil thoughts need to be under the ever watchful eye. Here the watchful eye is Intellect which does the watchman’s job. Intellect is a faithful watch dog. Intellect is also a friend, a philosopher and a guide. Intellect resides in the brain alongside Mind.

At the time of crisis, due to violent agitating moods of senses due to anger, greed and lust, Mind refuses to listen to Intellect, thus leading to irretrievable acts of perilous sins.

Then, a question arises as to how to fill up Mind Vessel with Noble Thoughts and at the same time to wade off the ever alert Evil Thoughts ready to enter Mind Vessel to make it impure and to urge us to lead a sinful life creating a hell like situation.

Solution is simple, but difficult to practice.

Feed the eyes with good scenes.
Feed the nose with godly perfumes.
Feed the ears with sublime, religious and spiritual discourses, speeches and music.
Feed the mouth with satvic food.
Feed the skin with the touch of love and affection devoid of lust and also wearing religious symbols to the extent possible.

In one word, Be a True Hindu – wherever You are.

Hinduism is not a religion, but a way of Life to give a spiritual touch for all your material actions.

Quality of Mind depends upon the net balance of thoughts - noble and evil. One need not worry much about the passing thoughts and floating thoughts which could be erased by the forgetfulness. But, the fixed thoughts, if they are noble, are quite welcome to Mind, while such fixed thoughts if they are evil, are quite unwelcome and are to be shunned.

Suppose Mind is afflicted by the anger which becomes non-erasable by any acts such as prayers, yoga or austerity, then such afflicted mind becomes a coating to the ever pure soul. Such coating is called Innate Nature of Man – Born Quality as we used to call it. That is why we come across some new born babies after some years of their births showing signs of brilliance in mathematics, calculations, music and other fine arts. If the soul has a coating of cruel nature such as murder, torture or lust, then such person becomes ‘Born Bad’ – devil even from his birth. Such persons are very rare and one should guard against such dangerous persons. Keeping company with such persons will ever keep us under stress and strain – making our life miserable as wells as our dependents.

One should therefore be ever alert to keep the senses under control by pure thoughts and also to listen constantly to the Intellect which is otherwise called Sub-Conscious Mind.

Let us Keep Body, Mind and Soul Pure. Such Purity will ensure Real Happiness which is otherwise called BLISS.

Bliss is nothing but vision of God.

Let us ever be guided by God.

Om Shanthi, Om Shanthi, Om Shanthi.


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