Spiritual Newsletter No.1

asato ma sadgamaya

tamaso ma jyotirgamaya

mrtyorma amrtam gamaya

Lead me from the unreal to the real.

Lead me from darkness to light.

Lead me from death to liberation.

- Brhadaranyaka Upanishad.
Prelude to Spiritual Newsletters:

To-day is Vaikunda Ekathasi – a very auspicious day. Every year, it occurs on the 11th day after new moon in the month of margazhi which is equally an auspicious day, as Sri Krishna proclaims in the Bhagavad Gita – “Amongst the months, I am Margazhi.”

It is also believed that Vaikunda Ekathasi was the day, when Sri Krishna delivered his sermons called Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna.

The day is also synchronizing with the opening of gates of Heaven and also the coming up of Nectar from the churned ocean of Vishnu with the snake Vasuki as a rope and Mountain Manthara as a stick.

Symbolically, all Vaishnava temples, specific gates – christened as Heavenly Gates will be opened on this day only. Devotees passing through the gates on this day are supposed to have shunned of their sins to be eligible for the Heavenly Abode.

My first spiritual newsletter is being released by my Dharma Pathini.

I am dedicating these newsletters to my Dharma Pathini for having with me so long to uphold Hindu Dharma to the extent possible.

Satyameva Jayathe.

S. Sankaran.

Beatifying Weaknesses

No person is perfect. But there are ways and means to make these Imperfections or Deficiencies into Perfections or Efficiencies.

Paradox? No.

There is an allegorical story: A water bearer was carrying water from the stream to his hut. The hut was a few feet from the stream. He was carrying water in two buckets hanging from a rod on the two sides. One of the buckets was leaky and hence, the leaky bucket was quite unhappy, as it could not hold water fully at the time of emptying by the water bearer. The leaky bucket was being mocked at by the perfect bucket. The leaky bucket was very upset, as the water bearer was unmindful of its agony. The leaky bucket could not bear any more and addressed the water bearer: Master! Why are you not taking steps to pluck the leak in my bucket?

The water bearer said: I know your weakness. In the world, weakness is the part of life. But, I had used your weakness fruitfully. See the passage where the leaking water is spilled. That side is full of blossoming flowers as against barren soil on the other side. How could this happen? I had planted flower seeds on the soil where the water is leaking. Now, you see a beautiful array of flowers. I know your leaking weakness, but, the same weakness has been converted into strength of usefulness.

Om Shanthi, Om Shanthi, Om Shanthi.


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