Massive Passenger Crowd at Delhi Anand Vihar Bus Terminus during nationwide Lockdown

Due to misinformation and lack of co-ordination between Delhi, UP, Uttarakhand State Governments, Delhi Anand Vihar Bus terminal which was flooded on the 28 th March 2020 with thousands and thousands of migrant workers, could not board buses back to their respective towns and villages. While some walked down to the bus terminal, some others came by the buses provided by Delhi Government. In view of sudden influx of passengers, the UP Government could provide 1000 buses initially and even Uttakhand Government also had come to the rescue of these stranded migrants labourers . The UP Government Transport Corporation had started plying 200 special buses to provide transport facilities to people stuck at various places in the border areas with Delhi. At every 2 hours from 8 am onwards, around 200 buses were deployed every 2 hours to help the stranded migrants to reach their respective places. Kejriwal Government’s 234 night shelters and 35 community halls wer...