Quran Burnt – Sweden Burnt

Riots were the result of a copy of the Quran being burned in Malmo on Friday the 28th August 2020 by members of the far-right Danish Party Stram Kurs (Hard Line).
The burning of the Quran was a part of an anti-Islam protest which took place in the city, following the arrest of one Rasmus Paludan.
Rasmus Paludan – a Danish Politician and Lawyer was founder of Stam Kurs Party in 2017. He was denied permission to hold a meeting in Malmo about “Islamization in the Nordic countries” and Paludan was barred from entering Sweden and was given a two-year entry ban. In response, Paludan had put up a post on Facebook that read, “Sent back and banned from Sweden for two years. However, rapists and murderers are always welcome!”
Burning of Quran is being justified by Rasmus Paludan as a tribute to free speech. He made anti-Muslim videos on YouTube, the contents of which included burning the Quran, at times wrapped in bacon.
Paludan was convicted on charges of racism for posting anti-Islam videos on his party’s social media channels, as a result of which he was sentenced to three months in jail and was disbarred from practicing law. In 2019, he was sentenced to 14 days of conditional imprisonment for delivering a racist speech. He was also found guilty on 14 counts including racism, defamation and hazardous driving and served one month in jail along with two months of a suspended sentence.
Still, it is strange to know that Paludan was close to getting into parliament in the last Danish elections with a policy based on deporting more than 300,000 Muslims from Denmark and banning Islam.
Sweden has historically been a safe haven for refugees. Between 2013 and 2014, Sweden granted permanent residence permits to all Syrians in Sweden who sought asylum and since the beginning of the Syrian war, over 70,000 Syrians have come to Sweden.
In 2015, Sweden received a record 162,000 applications for asylum primarily from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and this influx of Muslim asylum seekers from war-torn countries has had a significant impact on Swedish politics.

The right-wing Sweden Democrats has created the perception among people in recent years that the influx of predominantly Muslim immigrants has led to a surge in crime and since 2015-2016 migrant crisis, many Swedes view refugees as putting pressure on public finances in a country that has one of the most generous welfare programs in the world.
It is felt that the large influx of immigrants into Sweden threatens the endurance of the country’s model that depends on its residents paying some of the highest taxes in the world and “understanding that everyone is supposed to work”. But a large number of immigrants, many of whom are not as skilled and educated, means that they will depend on welfare for years, something that Swedes are becoming increasingly wary of.
Angry Muslim mob hit the streets and shouted chants of ‘Allah hu Akbar’ while setting tyres on fire. Following the events of the day, rioters pelted rocks at vehicles and police personnel who were trying to maintain the law and order situation in the city.
The city of Malmo in Sweden was covered in dense smoke with rioters gathering in large numbers, engaging in arson and destruction of public property.
Sweden’s Stam Kurs Party and actions of some Swedish in disrespecting Holy Quran in Social Media and Public Places warrant severe actions and it is heartening to note that the Swedish Government had taken prompt action as per the law of the land to book and punish such anti-Islamic groups.
Having said that, Muslim Immigrants at Sweden should not have resorted to wide scale violence and riots – It would have earned them a great goodwill throughout the world, if they had protested peacefully in the real sense of the word. Burning of Effigies of those who had burnt Quran or disrespected their holy book, might have sent an electrifying support in Sweden and elsewhere.
When you are in Rome, Be Romen – should be the guiding principle of immigrants Muslims. But, in reality, they are itching to create Islamic State wherever they reside, Like to create Mecca there as well!
Mulsims Immigrants should remember, how wholeheartedly Sweden welcomed them by openly with display of placards reading “They are not Dangerous – They are in Danger – Refugees Welcome”. But, unfortunately, the present Riots in Malmo had changed the mood of Sweden and it was vividly portrayed in the new placard: “They are Dangerous – We are in Danger.”
The protest in Norway on the 29th August 2020 comes on the backdrop of a similar incident in the Swedish city of Malmo on Friday, the 28th August 2020. Clashes broke out between Muslim mobs and a group of protestors identified as Stop Islamization of Norway (SIAN) during a rally in Oslo.
One female member of SIAN was seen tearing pages from the Koran and spitting on them.
“Look, now I will desecrate the Koran,” the woman, Fanny Braten allegedly said. Braten was soon attacked by the Muslim mob, who kicked her in the leg.
This outrage had triggered Muslim mob to assemble on the streets of Oslo, banging drums, singing and chanting “No racists in our streets” during the rally organised by the SIAN.
Nearly 29 people, including some minors, who tried to jump barricades and disrupt the SIAN protest have been arrested. Reportedly these mobs threw stones, eggs and other missiles at the police.
In such surcharged situation, French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, the target of a massacred by Islamist gunmen in 2005, had said that they will republish controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. 12 people including the cartoonist, were killed on January 7, 2015 in the rampage at the paper’s offices in Paris and the editorial said: “We will never lie down. We will never give up.”
Let Sane Thoughts prevail on both sides – so that peace prevails here, there and everywhere.
Let Tolerance Levels peak Himalayan Heights on all God Loving Religious Sects.
Let Holy Books and Relics and Images of All Religions be not allowed to be used as Tools in the hands of politicians to instigate riots.