Readers may object to my calling US Presidential Election Processes using some strong adjectives such as ‘confused, contradictory, contentious.’ I concede that US Electoral System is the oldest democratic system in the world, while Indian Electoral System is the largest democratic system in the world. Compared to US De-centralized Electoral System, India’s Centralized System under one Apex Body called – ‘Election Commission of India – completely independent body created under the Constituent of India to conduct all elections for Lok Sabha, State Assemblies, Rajya Sabha, the President, Vice-President down to Panchayat Elections – mostly through Electronic Voting Machines. This was hailed as the most efficient and successful election processes by the world at large. Then, one may ask – Why the US was using Paper Ballots – that too not uniform but every States had their own methods of printing ballot papers, postal votings etc. instead of a centralized Mechanical Voting Systems ...