Month of Marghazhi – Krishna’s Month

Month of Marghazhi comes around December - January every year. Marghashi is celebrated as Krishna’s favorite month – Spiritual Month for the Hindus who do bhajans, visiting temples, cleaning and decorating streets with kolams with flowers in the early hours of the day daily throughout the month.

Chanting of Thirupavai of Andal Pasuram in praise of Lord Perumal and Thiruvenpavai of Manikkavasagar in praise of Lord Shiva will create a spiritual atmosphere in around Hindu  houses and  temples throughout Tamilnadu.

Only during this month, Gita Jayanthi which is the birthday of Bhagavad Gita, is also being celebrated through out India. The month on which Gita Upasedam had happened, is Marghashi and is therefore called a spiritual month. This day falls on Shukla Ekadashi of Marghashi Month. During this year – 2017, Gita Jayanthi is on 30th November.

Yoga is the main thrust preached in the Bhagavad Gita. Karma Yoga, Jnana  Yoga and Bhakthi Yoga are also explained in details. Gita urges us to treat alike Happiness and Sorrow, Gain and Loss, Victory and Defeat while engaging in various activities.  All these extremes are temporary and don’t matter in the long journey of souls. This attitude empowers the soul to go through all the ups and downs of life unaffectedly.

Krishna’s assurances to the humankind are well known: “Whenever virtue subsides and wickedness prevails, I manifest Myself. To establish virtue, to destroy evil, to save the good I come from Yuga to Yuga.”

Gita, though delivered some 5000 years back, is relevant of all times and applicable to all ages. It is a Treasure of Enlightenment that guides us to a happy and meaningful life in this lifetime and beyond. This timeless Scripture is abundant with rich knowledge that will remove all doubts, dilemmas, disappointments and distress of life.

Unfortunately, our enemies, be it Mughals or British, located our strength and targeted to destroy our knowledgeable scriptures. Post independence, the pseudo-liberals took over the responsibility to further perish the flow of Knowledge. To-day they ask whether reading Gita will feed the hungry stomach.

These enemies of mankind have killed the thirst of knowledge, degrading humans to the level of animals.

Awake India Awake! Let us make a resolve to revive Hindu Renaissance and place all gems of ancient Vedic and Hindu Religious Texts before our Young Hindu Generations so that India’s glorious past is revived in all its splendor and India will be a Spiritual Guru to the entire world.

True Spirit of Krishna’s month  is made to shine every house on every month so that Peace, Plenty, Pleasure are spread throughout our Land of Dharma – that is Bharath.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare!


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