Doha Peace Pact and Fall of Afghanistan

Doha Peace Pact and Fall of Afghanistan Doha Peace Agreement by US with Taliban had at last ended the US Military Supported President Ashraf Ghani’s Government thereby ending the US invasion of Afghanistan for the last 20 years started in 2001 after September 11 Twin Towers Attack by Al Qaida from Afghanistan Soil under the leadership of Bin Laden. US ‘War Against Terrorism’ was mainly to capture or kill Bin Laden – the master mind behind Twin Towers Blast – and also to safeguard US Cities from further such attacks from such terrorists outfits. US in that process had promised to re-build Afghanistan as a new progressive democratic state with developments and ensuring dignities to women and girls who had suffered maximum under the Taliban Rule then. Unfortunately, US knowingly or unknowingly by their actions, no actions and wrong actions was responsible in Taliban winning Afghanistan Again now – even before US Complete Military Withdrawal - Yes It was Bloo...