Doha Peace Pact and Fall of Afghanistan

 Doha Peace Pact and Fall of Afghanistan


Doha Peace Agreement by US with Taliban had at last ended the US Military Supported President Ashraf Ghani’s Government thereby ending the US invasion of Afghanistan for the last 20 years started in 2001 after September  11 Twin Towers Attack by Al Qaida from Afghanistan Soil under the leadership of Bin Laden.

US ‘War Against Terrorism’ was mainly to capture or kill Bin Laden – the master mind behind Twin Towers Blast – and also to safeguard US Cities from further such attacks from such terrorists outfits.  US in that process had promised to re-build Afghanistan as a new progressive democratic state with developments and ensuring dignities to women and girls who had suffered maximum under the Taliban Rule then.

Unfortunately, US knowingly or unknowingly by their actions, no actions and wrong actions was responsible in Taliban winning Afghanistan Again now – even before US Complete Military Withdrawal - Yes It was Bloodless Victory of Afghanistan by Taliban – Courtesy -United States of America. In fact, Taliban had defeated and worst humiliated US by their violations of Doha Agreement’s Clauses and conditions with immunity immediately after it’s signing and UNSC were also to share the blame for their miscalculations in believing Taliban by accepting and approving Doha agreement.

“In God, We Trust” – is the motto of one of the most militarily powerful nations of the world called the United States of America.

In July 1956, the US had switched over to a new motto of “In God We Trust” from its earlier original motto of “E Pluribus Unum” – Latin Phrase meaning: “One from many parts” during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower.

In February 29, 2020, the ex- US President Donald Trump followed by the present US Joe Biden seemed to believe in their new found motto of “In Taliban, We Trust” due to Doha, Qatar peace agreement with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a rider (which was repeated every time Taliban was mentioned) viz “which is not recognized by the United States as a State and is known as Taliban.”

Perhaps Taliban which was Satan during US 20 years long war started after Al-Qaeda’s attacks on the US on September 11, 2001 by dethroning Taliban’s brutal rule from 1996 to 2001 with their military might had become Saint to speak peace with them relying now on pens rather than guns. It was sad to see that Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani was nowhere in the picture in the peace talk/peace agreement – perhaps due to the condition imposed by Taliban for peace talk with US.

A powerful nation such as US had signed an agreement with Taliban State which, according to them, was not recognized, was Historic Political Blunder for which US have to pay a heavy price in the future. Actually, Taliban signed the agreement with pen in one hand and gun in other hand thereby usual oft repeated speech of “Peace will be only after Terrorists laid down their arms” was drowned in the melee.

Hold Your Breath: One News Item said: The United States will request the recognition and endorsement of the United Nations Security Council for this agreement.

If you go through the peace agreement signed by US with Taliban, it confined to one major item of ‘assurances for the safe return of US Military Personnel’ followed by another one – viz.  ‘To a mere Taliban guarantee that they will never again allow Afghanistan to become a safe haven to launch an attack on the West, mainly America.’

We reproduce two more clauses of the agreement which expose the weakness of US:

1.The United States will seek economic cooperation for reconstruction with the new post settlement Afghan Islamic government as determined by the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations, and will not intervene in its internal affairs.

2. The both sides seek positive relations with each other and expect that the relations between the United States and the new post-settlement Afghan Islamic government as determined by the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations will be positive.


Doha peace deal was the beginning of fall of Afghanistan. The Peace deal was inked by US with Taliban facilitated by Pakistan, while elected government of Afghanistan was kept out.

And All 15 members of the UN Security Council (which unfortunately included India) also endorsed the joint US-Afghan declaration on peace signed between Washington and the Taliban.  The main thrust of the agreement with the Taliban calls for the fundamentalists to sever ties with international terrorist groups and to prevent them from using Afghanistan to carry out attacks against the US. By this even UN had agreed to remove the ‘terror’ tag from Taliban. How far the World will be protected by UN with such weak kneed policy observation – is a million dollar question. It is equally dangerous to divide terrorism into – good terrorism and bad terrorism or useful villain and dangerous villain or to call such agreements as ‘Cold Peace’. But damage had already been done and to undo, it may be well-nigh impossible in the near future.

Some argue that Biden was boxed or handcuffed due to Trump’s Doha Agreement of February 2020. Though the agreement had an escape clause – viz. The US could have withdrawn from the accord if Afghan peace talks failed and it did failed – but Biden chose to stick to the peace agreement.


The US had betrayed the loyal citizens of local Afghanistan who had stood solidly with US Military Forces apart from the elected government of Afghanistan under Ashraf Ghani. The deal legitimized, empowered and emboldened a Terrorist outfit to take over a country with the barrel of gun and the US’s Blood Soaked Role in this sorry state of affairs of Afghanistan will be recorded as the Most Betrayal Act. It is a fact that the Taliban was symbolically crowned as a Ruler of Afghanistan with the American Exit from Afghanistan much to the agonies and sufferings of people of Afghanistan especially women and was left behind a host of unfulfilled promises and anxious questions about the country’s fate. 

In February 2020, they made an agreement with the Taliban to withdraw from the country in 14 months in exchange for their nebulous commitment to a peace process. As the US got into departure mode reducing its forces and dismantling its bases, the Taliban stepped up operations against the Afghan army. Despite that, the Biden administration stuck to the deal and made an abrupt departure from the principal American base at Bagram in the middle of the night on July 5.

The Taliban has not changed a wee bit since 2001, and how it will bring them about to adhere to the clauses in the agreement is the question that would haunt the US in future.


Bloodless Victory of Afghanistan by Taliban was the result of US dubious diplomacy to divide Terrorists into two groups -   Good and Bad Terrorists. ISIS under the leadership of Bin Laden who had masterminded the destruction of Twin Towers is Bad Terrorist while others like Taliban is Good Terrorist. Both Terrorists groups may be villains – but Taliban, of late, became ‘useful Villain’, whereas others like ISIS are ‘Useless Villain’ untrustworthy for any negotiations or agreements. Hence it seems that US, in order to withdraw their military forces from Afghanistan, had entered into an agreement and the media had nicknamed it as ‘a Cold Peace’.

Super powers are making Super Mistakes knowingly.

Due to open support of Russia, China, Pakistan – Even Shia Dominated Iran (Taliban for Sunni sects), some politicians are stealthily painting Taliban’s Afghanistan Capture as ‘Useful Villain’s Action’. This is Most Dangerous Duplicity Diplomacy. Devils and Dragons can never become Devine.

Kabul fiasco for which President Biden, his predecessor Trump and their Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani are responsible, will affect US’s ability to mobilize coalitions against a common cause which mainly include ‘War Against Terrorism’.

In the ferocious and brutal Taliban march, in which important cities such as Kandahar, Ghazni, Herat, and Laskhar Goh in different parts of the country fell within a matter of days with the government forces simply fleeing the battleground, underlines the unpalatable truth for the Americans that as it completes its mission by the 31st August 2021, 20 years and blood and treasures worth 2,600 causalities and US $2.3  trillion later, it is still an awful, costly failure that they leave behind, a failure which will vex them in future. The longest war in American history has failed to achieve its twin objectives of nation-building and creating a robust Afghan military force to protect the nation.


Afghanistan Army was called Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) . The Afghanistan Army was armed and trained by the Pentagon which poured billions of dollars.

Still, Afghanistan Army had lost ground to insurgent groups and suffered record casualties and desertions.

US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) cited wholesale corruption and demoralization as major reasons for these failures of Afghanistan Army.

Pakistan had never supported US in its efforts to fight terrorism which had even prompted President George W. Bush to blame Pakistan with his famous “You are either with us or against us” ultimatum. President Trump’s approach of “principled realism” in keeping with the “America First” approach had also not worked in Afghanistan.


Costs of War in Afghanistan could be listed as under:

v Roughly, 241,000 people were killed and the same group US routed in 2001 – viz Taliban got control of Afghanistan.

v 2.3 trillions of dollars were spent but it ended in US failure.

v 3 lacs ANDSF – Afghanistan Army trained by US had surrendered to a much less number of Taliban Force without a fight.

v Thousands of American Soldiers had also died in the Afghanistan war – not to speak of recent deaths of 13 American Soldiers, hundreds of Afghanistanis killed and many wounded due to  AI  Qaida  Human Bombs attacks. 


Even last minute assessment of Afghanistan’s Army capabilities by Joe Biden around July 23, 2021, had proved wrong. Biden had said to Ashraf Ghani as under:

“You clearly have the best military. You have 3 lacs well-armed forces versus 70 – 80,000Taliban Forces and they are clearly capable of fighting well.”

But Biden was proved wrong and Afghanistan fell to Taliban within a month of his assessment!

Apart from loss of tax payers money in Afghanistan War, US had left many army vehicles, modern helicopters, sophisticated weapons which will make Taliban more powerful militarily without paying a single pie and this seems to be a Himalayan Blunder by US.

Afghanistan used to be known as Gandhara during the time of Mahabharata. And one of the cities in the country is still known as Kandhar, a word that originated from Gandhara, literally meaning ‘the land of fragrances’.

The first inhabitants of Gandhara were the devotees of Shiva.

Gandhari was wife of Dhristrashtra blind king of Hastinapur – and sister of Shakuni, King of Gandhara after the demise of his father King Subala. Gandhari  said to have cursed the land of  Sakuni’s Kingdom of Gandhara – now part of present Afghanistan.


Perhaps the curse still persists even now and the land of fragrance then had turned into land of filth of terrorism . Afghanistan is called ‘Sick Child of Asia’ apart from being ‘Cursed Country of Asia.’

In short, Trump, Biden and Ghani are to share the blame for the return of Taliban’s Terrorists Rule in Afghanistan by their wrong assessments, approaches and approvals.

In the end, US as a Country had lost its credibility in their failed mission of ‘War Against Terrorism.’

 Now entire country of Afghanistan is under Purdah mood and completely veiled.  

 IN U.S., WE TRUST NOT – becomes the Motto of the World after US Afghanistan Fiasco.

IN UN, WE TRUST NOT – becomes the Voices of Poor Afghanistan People.

IN GOD, WE TRUST – becomes still the hope of all peace loving citizens.







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