Vishwakarma Jayanti 2021 17th September 2021 – Friday


Vishwakarma Jayanti 2021

17th September 2021 – Friday


Vishwakarma Jayanti is believed to be the day when Lord Vishwakarma the divine architect of the universe appeared on earth.

Bhagwan Vishwakarma is considered as a symbol of the creative power behind the genesis of the world.

Whoever through their skill, builds an object..innovates… whether it is sewing-embroidery, software or satellite, all this is a manifestation of Bhagwan Vishwakarma.

Even though skill is being recognized in a new way in the world today, our sages and seers have emphasized on skill and scale for thousands of years. They have interlinked skill, talent, ability with faith, thereby making it a part of the philosophy of our lives.


Our Vedas have also dedicated many sookta to Bhagwan Vishwakarma. Whichever great creations are there, whatever new and big works have been done, our scriptures ascribe them to Bhagwan Vishwakarma. It is in a way a symbol of the thought that whatever development and innovation is happening in the world happens only through skills. This is the very sentiment behind the birth anniversary of Bhagwan Vishwakarma and his worship.  

 And this has been quoted in our scriptures too :


विश्वम कृत्-सन्म कर्म व्यापारो यस्य सः विश्वकर्मा’


Meaning, the one who takes all efforts in the process of creating and building is a Vishwakarma.


In the view of our scriptures, all the skilled, talented people around us engaged in the process of creation and building are the legacy of Bhagwan Vishwakarma.


Our life goes on because of many such skilled people. Look around yourself; be it an ironsmith, a potter, a carpenter, an electrician, a house painter, a sanitation worker, or someone who repairs mobile-laptops. All of them are known only because of their skill. In modern form, all of them are also Vishwakarma.


But friends, there is another aspect to it and it also sometimes causes concern. The situation in our country where culture, tradition, thinking, skill, manpower have been interlinked with Bhagwan Vishwakarma and how it has changed. During the long period of slavery and subjugation, the feeling that gave such respect to skill gradually faded into oblivion. The thinking became such that skill based tasks were considered inferior. And now see, today, the whole world is emphasizing the most on skill.


The worship of Bhagwan Vishwakarma is also not to be completed only with formalities. We have to respect the talent, we have to work hard to be skilled. We should be proud to be skilled. When we do something new, innovate something, create something that will benefit the society, make people’s life easier, then our Vishwakarma Puja will be meaningful. There is no dearth of opportunities for skilled people in the world today. Skills are forging multiple paths of progress. Come, this time let us take a pledge to follow the message of Bhagwan Vishwakarma along with faith in his worship. The spirit of our worship should be such that we understand the importance of skill, and also give full respect to skilled people, no matter what work they do.




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